The Problem

In Alabama there is a negative and - most of the time - inaccurate stigma around the word Medicaid.  Most people do not know that Medicaid is critical to the entire healthcare system in Alabama and the nation.  Over one million Alabamians are covered by the program and 76% of the recipients are children.  The rest are mainly the elderly, disabled and people with persistent mental health issues.  Not only does Medicaid provide services to these populations, but it also enables hospitals, doctors, nursing homes and rehabilitation centers to provide care for all Alabamians by providing much needed dollars to support those entities.  


The Concept

Our goal is to educate the general public and national and state leaders about who a Medicaid recipient actually is.  As decisions are made in Montgomery, AL and Washington D.C. about how to fund the program, many lawmakers and citizens simply see the dollar signs...but there are faces behind the numbers. 

The Campaign

#IamMedicaid is a campaign designed to give individuals a way to change the conversation around Medicaid.  There are misconceptions out there about who receives help and why...let's change those.  This is an opportunity for individuals who receive Medicaid, their family members, their physicians and concerned Alabama citizens to show that there are real people with real issues being impacted by the decisions made surrounding Medicaid funding. 


The Content

Your photos and stories are powerful.  We plan to use them in our social media communications, providing a striking image to go along with our message to support Medicaid.  This will help build community support and educate others about the importance of the program.  We ask that everyone who participates use the hashtag #IamMedicaid when posting their photos to Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat or Twitter.  We also encourage you to write your own personal story and submit it to us.  These will be used to further demonstrate the humanity behind Medicaid as we communicate with lawmakers and the media.

Get Involved

Join the campaign!  You just need a smartphone or camera, this pre-printed sign, and social media.  It really is easier than you think. Here are the basic steps:

1. Print this sign out or pick one up at your local physicians office. 

2. Ask someone to take a picture of you holding the top half of the sheet.

3. Post this picture to all your social media accounts (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram) with the hashtag #IamMedicaid.

4. If you would like us to share your story, email us at

5. Share this sign with others and ask them to join the campaign!

Tweet directly at your legislator for the best impact. For your legislators Twitter info click here.